Application Kata "Budget book"
Create a program to maintain a budget book. The program is operated via the command line. A payment is made with the following command:
C:>hb payout 5.99 Restaurant visits Chocolate mug Cash on hand: EUR 50.45 Restaurant visits: EUR 25.99
The first parameter defines whether it is a Payout or Deposit is involved. In the event of a payout, the Amountwhich Category and optionally a Memo text (here "chocolate cup") is specified. The payout can also be given a different date:
C:>hb payment 01.01.2015 700 Rent Cash on hand: EUR 678.45 Rent: EUR 700.00
At the beginning, when the program is called up for the first time, the cash balance is of course zero. A deposit can be made with the following command:
C:>hb deposit 400 Cash on hand: EUR 450.43
The specified amount is posted to the cash register with the current date. The current cash balance is then displayed. A different date can also be specified here as an option:
C:>hb deposit 01.01.2015 400 Cash on hand: EUR 450.43
To obtain an overview of all deposits and withdrawals for the current month, call up the program using the "overview" command:
C:>hb overview March 2015 ------------------------ Cash on hand: EUR 34.20 Rent: EUR 600 Living expenses: EUR 343.90 Restaurant visits: EUR 76.70 Clothes: 54,60 EUR
To display the overview for a different month, two additional parameters can optionally be specified, namely month and year:
C:>hb overview 12 2014 December 2014 ------------------------ Cash on hand: EUR 125.70 Rent: EUR 600 Living expenses: EUR 421.67 Restaurant visits: EUR 120.67 Clothes: 78,90 EUR
The categories are created automatically the first time they are used. This leads to categories being created inadvertently in the event of typing errors. For this reason, a query should be asked the first time a category is used:
C:>hb disbursement 7 "Books, music" Should the category "Books, music" be created? (y/n):
If you enter "j", the category is created and the booking is made. If you enter "n", the booking process is canceled.