Agility Kata "CSV Viewer II"

Extend the CSV Viewer application as follows:

  1. Each data record should be preceded by a data record number.
  2. Show below the table which page is displayed and how many exist in total.
  3. Let the user jump to a page by entering the page number (Jump to page).

The display should look like this:

No.|Name |Age|City |
 1st |Peter|42 |New York|
 2nd |Paul |57 |London |
 3rd |Mary |35 |Munich |
Page 1 of 3
F)irst page, P)revious page, N)ext page, L)ast page, J)ump to page, E)xit

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Please only open this exercise if you have already completed the previous parts. The idea of the Agility Katas is to implement additional requirements on existing code. If you look at all the requirements first, the effect of the Agility Katas will be lost.
