Class Kata "Linked List"

Develop the abstract data type List in the form of a linked list. The class to be implemented LinkedList the interface must IList implement.

A linked list consists of elements that each contain a value and a pointer to the next element in the list:

class Element
    public Element(T item) {
        Item = item;

    public T Item { get; set; }

    public Element Next { get; set; }

The list is composed of these elements internally. The elements are not visible to the outside world. The LinkedList behaves like other classes that IList implement:

class LinkedList : IList {


The list can also be double-linked. In addition to the Next property of the element, these are given a Prev Property for the reference to the previous element. This speeds up traversing backwards from the last to the first element.

class Element
    public Element(T item) {
        Item = item;

    public T Item { get; set; }

    public Element Next { get; set; }

    public Element Prev { get; set; }