My Stocks

Write an application to display stock prices.

The application can be used to manage a list of favorites. To add a share to the list of favorites, enter a search term. For example, you can enter the name or the abbreviation. The application then displays a list of matching stocks. Click on a stock to add it to the favorites list.

The following information is shown for each share in the favorites list:

  • Name (e.g. Apple Inc.)
  • Abbreviation (e.g. AAPL)
  • Current share price (e.g. 182.54)
  • Absolute change compared to previous day (e.g. +2.90)
  • Relative change compared to the previous day (e.g. +1.61%)

The order of the favorites can be changed in the list using drag & drop. Furthermore, a favorite can be removed from the favorites list using the minus button.

The favorites are persisted in a file so that they can be shown again the next time the application is started.

Yahoo Finance can be used as a data provider.

Variation #1

Double-click on a favorite to display further details in a separate window (see illustration above, right-hand side).
