Application Kata "ToDo

Develop an application to maintain a to-do list.

The user enters tasks in the list. Each task has at least a short description text. Optionally, a longer description, a URL and a completion date can also be entered.

The URL page can be called up from the overview of tasks.

As the completion date approaches, the color of the ToDo entry in the overview changes: 3 days before it turns yellow, from the completion date it turns red.

The order of the tasks in the list can be changed at any time. Entries can be marked as completed, archived and deleted. Completed tasks are automatically archived after one day.

The overview normally only shows current entries. However, archived entries can also be displayed on request.

Variation #1

If desired, the application can send a list of the day's tasks by email in the morning. To do this, the user enters their email address in a configuration file.

Variation #2

Tasks can be assigned an alarm time. The application then reminds the user of the task via a sound signal and a dialog/toast.




